This is where you’ll set up your User ID and Password for your client portal access
Here is where you’ll input all of you and your pet’s information. We want to learn all about your special furry loved ones so that we can give them the best care in your absence!
Pick the services that you’d like as they apply to your needs
Exact times, dates and services requested are critical for us to know in order for us to pair you with one of our trusted sitters that will be available for your
up-coming meet and greet
You can request an in-home or virtual meet and greet to become acquainted with your Doggie Latchkey professional sitter. After you’ve done so your Doggie Latchkey personal Customer Service Representative with reach out to you to confirm your order
We would love to speak with you should you have questions. Phone our Customer Service department anytime during our normal Business Hours of 8am to 6pm to speak with a Customer Care Representative.
After Business hours, want to talk later or prefer email? Use our contact us form and we will get back to you ASAP
"We are so happy with Doggie Latchkey! We found them last year and couldn't be happier with the service they provide.

"The dogs were very well cared for and the house was just as we left it"

"If 10/10 was an option, that is what I would pick to describe my experiences with Doggie Latchkey."